SocialX Setup

1. SocialX consists of many apps. Each app needs to be installed separately.

2. Before installing any particular app, first we need to add the SocialX app embed block to the store.

3. Click on SocialX app installation link. On the app installation page, click on Install app button as shown below.

4. Choose the first option if you are the owner of your Shopify store else choose the second option and click on the Next button as shown below.

5. Edit the details if needed and click on the Next button as shown below

6. In this screen, we will enable the SocialX App embed block on your store. Simply follow the three steps given.

  • Click on the link given in point 1 (It will open in a new tab)
  • Go to the new tab and simply click on the Save button at the top right corner of the page (see the below image)
  • Come to the original screen and click on Validate the integration button given below

Note: If the above steps are followed properly, on clicking the Validate button it will go to the next page else it will give an error messaging asking to do the steps again. Contact us in the chat widget if you need any help!

7. If you come to this page that means you have completed the major task of enabling the App embed block on your store. Read about SocialX and click on the Next button as shown below.

8. SocialX dashboard. It has mainly three pages.

  • Installed: This is your default page. Here you will see the list of all the apps that are already installed on your store. In the beginning this page will be empty.
  • Pending: Here you will see the list of all the apps that are not yet installed on your store.
  • Coming soon: Here you will see the list of all the apps that are going to be released soon.

By default, you will be taken to Installed apps page. Click on the Install now button as shown below.

9. You will be redirected to the pending apps page. Here you can see the list of all the apps that are available for you to install. Currently, you can install three apps on your store. We keep adding one to two apps every month.

  • WhatsApp Chat: This app adds a beautiful WhatsApp chat widget on your store, using which your store visitors can reach out directly to you on your WhatsApp app on your phone. This will help you to chat directly with your customers and increase your sales. This app can be installed on your store using four simple steps. Refer WhatsApp Chat app setup for more details.

  • Instant Preload: This app preload the web pages before user clicks and gives an impression that your store is loading superfast. This app can be installed on your store using a single click. Refer Instant Preload app setup for more details.
  • Google Fonts & Custom Fonts: This app helps you install any Google fonts (custom fonts support will be added very soon) on your store. It will help you customise the look and feel of your Shopify store. Using few clicks you can completely make your store more elegant. Refer Google Fonts & Custom Fonts app setup for more details.